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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Updates from Campus Leadership

Dear Campus Community,

On Monday, President Cunningham sent a message to the University of Minnesota community about the University’s efforts to assess the implications to our operations following rapidly changing federal policies. In that and previous messages, she emphasized our ongoing commitment to all campus community members and reaffirmed the University’s longstanding commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment that supports the needs of every individual across the System. She clarified that the University of Minnesota has not rolled back diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, and we are not making any preemptive changes to our existing programs.

My leadership team and I echo these sentiments at UMD. This message to our campus community represents a collective conversation with senior leaders at the system level and leaders across campus. We highly value the people who support diversity of thought and inclusion, which are integral to our engaged learning and discovery. Our support, guidance, and advocacy extends to all identities represented by all members of our community. Faculty, staff, and students who have questions about support and resources around federal immigration policies can consult this UMN website, which will continue to be updated with information and guidance. A University of Minnesota team has been created to review executive orders and policy changes to develop guidance for the university and our community. We will keep you updated as this information is made available.

As we navigate through these dynamic times, it is essential to reaffirm our commitment to the values that define our University. We know these must be more than words in messages. They must be practiced by all of us and reflected in how we learn, work, and interact in our community. At UMD, we seek to build a community in which every individual is valued and respected as we work together to prepare students to thrive as lifelong learners and globally engaged members of our communities.

I urge each of you to engage in open, respectful dialogue and to listen with empathy. We can strive to understand one another, even when we disagree. Now, as always, our strength lies in our ability to come together, to support one another, and to learn from our differences. Let us build a community where everyone feels a sense of belonging and where every voice is heard.

Thank you for your support in advancing our mission and holding steadfast to our values, as we focus on student success and lift up the diverse voices and perspectives that make UMD such an incredible place.

Chancellor Nies signature
Charles Nies