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Monday, March 28, 2011

Campus Forum on Strategic Planning on Tuesday, March 29

The second campus forum on strategic planning will be held 3:00-4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 29 in the Kirby Ballroom. During this forum we will review and ask for feedback on the mission and core values statements that were revised based on feedback from the first campus forum. The current drafts of a vision statement and campus goals will be presented for feedback. We will also ask for additional ideas for initial action steps required to achieve the six identified campus goals.

The current versions of the campus planning elements can be found at the Strategic Planning website at http://www.d.umn.edu/chancellor/planning/, which you could review to prepare for the forum. We appreciate any ideas you can share to improve the current version of the plan, and invite you to share your comments on the Strategic Planning website if you cannot participate in the forum.

Thank you,

Lendley (Lynn) Black