Dear Campus Community,
At the May 14, 2013, Campus Assembly meeting the framework for a new shared governance system was established. The system includes representatives from faculty, staff, and students through the Faculty Council (elected from the Faculty Assembly), the Staff Council (elected from the Staff Assembly) and the Student Association Executive Committee (with the broader representation from the Student Association Congress). The details are on the Chancellor's Office web page dedicated to governance:
With the committee framework in place, the first step is to facilitate the elections of the Faculty and Staff Councils. Once these Councils are established the members will work with their respective assemblies in populating the remaining governance committees. The University Coordinating Council will include the chairs of all the major committees. This process is outlined in the draft bylaws and constitution; all committees will determine their working rules after they are established.
In order to move forward with the first step, we will be proceeding with elections of the Staff and Faculty Councils in the manner we have done in the past for governance elections.
For the Faculty Council, an email will be distributed next week to request nominations from each collegiate unit. For questions about the faculty election process, please contact Vickery French at vfrench or 7104.
For the Staff Council, an email will be distributed to all staff members to request nominations for their employees groups (P&A, Civil Service bargaining and non-bargaining). For questions about the staff or student election process, please contact Wendy Larrivy at wlarrivy or 7507.
The goal is to have the memberships of the Staff Council and the Faculty Council in place by October 1. We hope that many of the faculty and staff on campus will become involved in this important process. Thank you.
Chancellor Lendley C. Black
Chancellor's Office
University of Minnesota Duluth
515 Darland Administration Building
1049 University Drive
Duluth, MN 55812
218.726.6535 (fax)
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