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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Wishing You an Enjoyable Semester Break

Good afternoon,
Thank you to all who were able to join us at the end of semester buffet. Your contributions brought in $518.95 for the Union Gospel Mission, 196 pounds of food plus a monetary donation for Champ’s Cupboard, and 197 pounds of food for the CHUM food shelf. Your generosity is sincerely appreciated!
I hope you enjoy the attached video featuring a light-hearted look at Dr. Arshia Khan’s robots, which are created to conduct serious research in helping people deal with significant life issues, like dementia and elder care. 
You have my best wishes for a well-deserved break between semesters. We’re working in difficult times, and this has been a challenging semester. However, I am impressed with the outstanding accomplishments this fall of our students, faculty, and staff. Thank you for all you do for UMD.

Chancellor Black