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Monday, August 24, 2020

Fall Semester Starting Online; Move-in Delayed

 Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

The Board of Regents met this morning and approved University of Minnesota System President Joan Gabel’s proposed adjustments to the fall semester. As I mentioned in my message to you on Friday, this is a difficult decision and a decision made with the health and safety of our campus community at the forefront. 

With the Board of Regents approval today of President Gabel’s recommendation:
  • We will start the semester as scheduled on August 31, but primarily through online and remote instruction. 
  • We will follow the University of Minnesota plan and pause move-in for our residential students for at least two weeks.
With support from the University of Minnesota System public health experts, we are constantly monitoring the data, following public health guidance, and watching what is happening in our communities and at other institutions of higher education across the country. I know that you have many questions. Campus leadership is working diligently to address them and communicate answers as they become available.

I am very thankful to the faculty and staff who have prepared for fall and continue to adapt to this changing environment. I am also thankful for a very engaged UMD community. I have heard from many of you, and I appreciate your comments and passion for our campus. While I can’t predict what the future holds, I do promise that we will do all we can to examine the scenarios in front of us, keep you informed, and find the best way forward.


Lendley C. Black