Dear Colleagues,
I wanted to share a few dates with you and hope that you are able to join us. Please mark your calendars.
System Strategic Planning - Maroon, Gold, and Bold listening session - March 31 President Cunningham is working to set the stage for a bold future at the University of Minnesota—one that pushes boundaries and redefines what is possible. Your participation will help ensure our systemwide strategic plan reflects the many voices that make up our University community.
Please let us know if you can join us on Monday, March 31 from 10-11:30 am in the Kirby Student Center Ballroom to share your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives on your vision for the University’s bold future as part of the Maroon, Gold and Bold strategic planning process by submitting your RSVP and adding to your calendar.
During the session/meeting we will discuss several key questions:- From your vantage point, what will distinguish the University of Minnesota System as a leader in higher education in 2035?
- How has the University of Minnesota System (as distinct from each campus) impacted you?
- What do you see as the University of Minnesota System’s biggest strengths?
- What can the University of Minnesota System do better?
- In what fields of research do you imagine we could most make an impact?
- How should we aspire to serve our nation, world, and/or state differently across the next decade?
- What do you think the University of Minnesota System should do to improve and excel in its educational offerings and opportunities?
- What barriers prevent the University of Minnesota System from accomplishing its full potential?
- What changes in the world should the University of Minnesota System meaningfully influence?
I encourage you to visit to learn more about the University’s strategic planning process.
Campus Conversation - April 7 Members of the Senior Leadership Team and I will host a campus conversation on April 7 at 9:00 am in the Kirby Ballroom. This will serve as a follow-up to our fall conversation around values and provide other updates as we make our way through the academic year.
Faculty, Staff and Years of Service Awards - April 17 Please join us for the faculty, staff and years of service awards on April 17 at 3:00 pm in the Kirby Ballroom.
I’m looking forward to engaging, inspiring and productive discussions.
Best, |