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Monday, August 26, 2024

Welcome to Fall Semester


Hello students, faculty, and staff,

Welcome to the first day of classes! The start of the fall semester has always been a highlight for me as everyone returns to campus with renewed energy and enthusiasm. This year is particularly special as I begin my first year here at UMD. I had a blast welcoming new students last week and am excited to join you in this campus community. Watch this short video to be inspired by the sights and sounds of move-in last week

To all of our new students, welcome and thank you for choosing UMD. To our returning students, welcome back to campus and Duluth. The UMD faculty and staff are here to support you wherever you are on your educational journey. Please seek out resources and support; we have designed them to enrich your Bulldog experience! And to our faculty and staff, thank you for your efforts to make the start of this year a success.

We join a university environment because we value the transformation that education provides as we learn, discover, and grow, being fully present in the moment and preparing for a bright future. We do that when the environment is both welcoming and inclusive. College is a place where open discussions in a civil and respectful environment are essential to our growth, even when those discussions can be uncomfortable. Lean into that discomfort, ask questions, and embrace curiosity so that together we can create an inclusive community in which we all live, learn, play, and work. 

I wish you all a great start to the academic year and look forward to seeing you around campus. 
Chancellor Nies signature
Charles Nies

Monday, August 19, 2024

Student Success and Brand Refresh

Dear colleagues, 

This week we are one week out from the start of classes and I am looking forward to welcoming our students to campus. 

During the time I have been on campus, it is clear that at the forefront of our work is a focus on the success of our student scholars. Their shared goal will be marked by graduation. In between is the educational journey that we intentionally facilitate – challenging them to explore, ask questions, and experience new perspectives. Each of you has an integral role in helping our students succeed and I am grateful for the time and energy you put into delivering our mission. 

I am also excited to share a refresh to UMD’s brand. Driven by input from a variety of stakeholders, which included members of the campus community, this updated brand speaks to the inspiring qualities of our campus and our role within the University of Minnesota. 

Our student scholars come to UMD because of the incredible educational experiences, which are enhanced and supported by our amazing location and the opportunities afforded beyond the classroom. This brand refresh celebrates UMD’s courageous spirit, our natural integration across campus, community and environment, and our student-centric culture. That unique combination encourages growth and exploration for our scholars that yields lasting rewards. 

As with any rebranding process, updates will happen in stages. Watch for updated materials soon. In the meantime, you can watch a one minute video highlighting the new direction here.

I am thankful for the early engagements I have had over the summer and to have learned about the qualities you revealed over the past year during this branding refresh. I am excited to build further connections across campus and fully experience the energy of our community.

I appreciate all that you do to support UMD and our students.

I look forward to seeing you around campus.

Thank you,

Chancellor Nies signature
Charles Nies

Friday, August 2, 2024

UMD Senior Leadership Team


Dear colleagues, 

As I round out my first month here at UMD, I find myself continuously impressed and filled with anticipation for the upcoming school year. Since relocating to Duluth, my schedule has been filled with opportunities to meet members of our community, greet friends of UMD, and learn from many of you about our remarkable university. 

My 30th day on the job reflects so much of what I have come to discover about the collective work being done here. I spent the morning on the Blue Heron as part of the Large Lake Observatory’s Freshwater Discover Day. I joined members of the community at Essentia Health and enjoyed the Canadian Air Force Snowbirds show. I wrapped up the day with visiting undergraduate scholars from Korea and Ireland. It was a day that demonstrated our mission-centered commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and community outreach. 

These are just a few of my introductory experiences and I know there is more to come. I have seen many examples of the campus’ commitment to student success, belonging and inclusion, and discovery and inquiry. With your help, I will spend the upcoming months listening, learning, and asking questions that will inform both immediate actions and drive future initiatives around our shared commitments.

In addition to your guidance, I look forward to working closely with the campus’ Senior Leadership Team (SLT). In partnership with our new Interim Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Rebecca Ropers, we will engage the campus community as we advance our strategic priorities. 

The SLT membership includes:
  • Sue Bosell, Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations 
  • Jason Davis, Strategic Advisor to the Chancellor
  • Trevor Eagle, Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
  • Forrest Karr, Director of Athletics 
  • Jeremy Leiferman, Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Life and Dean of Students
  • Charles Nies, Chancellor
  • Rebecca Ropers, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • Jan Sickbert, Interim Executive Director of Advancement
  • Carlee Williams, Executive Assistant
  • Lynne Williams, Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer
All members of this team report to me, which includes a shift in Enrollment Management from Academic Affairs to the Chancellor’s Office. To support the PEAK implementation, Human Resources will report to Jason Davis until moving to the VCFO portfolio later this fall when we complete that search. 

I look forward to working closely with all of you and this new leadership team to lay the groundwork for the upcoming academic year and a more long-term strategic plan.
Chancellor Nies signature
Charles Nies