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Friday, June 18, 2021

Salary Increases for Fiscal Year 2022

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, in years past the University has used a merit increase pool to award raises to eligible employees. The extraordinary circumstances and financial challenges of the past year have affected the size of this year’s pool, which is recommended to be 1.5% for fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022).

Based on the size of this year’s pool, the University is proposing that it be awarded as an across-the-board pay increase. The increase will be applied to the employee’s base salary as it was prior to the pandemic furlough and pay reduction programs. This means all eligible employees will receive the same increase, rather than differing increases based on performance, as in recent years. It is important to note that the University still supports performance-based (also known as merit-based) pay increases in future years.

The proposed salary increase plan is pending the Board of Regents approval, which we expect to receive on June 29.

To be eligible for the 1.5% across-the-board pay increase, an employee must have been actively employed in an eligible position as of January 1, 2021, and have remained employed in an eligible position on June 21, 2021.

Employees covered by collective-bargaining agreements are not eligible for the pay increase as they have compensation plans negotiated into their collective-bargaining agreements. This includes non-UEA represented faculty at the Duluth campus. Undergraduate students, temp/casual positions, and most graduate assistants and professionals-in-training are also excluded from the pay increase. There are also unique populations within the civil service, P&A, faculty, and graduate assistant groups that are not eligible for the increase; these will be determined by each collegiate or administrative unit.

Pay increases will be withheld for employees with the following performance concerns:

1. The employee has a “needs development,” “does not meet expectations,” “unsatisfactory,” or equivalent rating on their FY21 annual performance review; and
2. During the review period, the employee has received documented disciplinary action or performance management. The documentation must inform the employee that continued noncompliance or failure to improve/meet expectations could result in further disciplinary action.

The pay increase will take effect on June 21 and be reflected on the first 2022 fiscal year paycheck on July 14.

If you have questions about this year’s salary increase plan, your collegiate or administrative unit’s HR department can help.

Our employees are our greatest asset and this last year has truly demonstrated how strong and devoted our workforce is. Thank you for all your work and dedication to our students and UMD.


Lendley C. Black