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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Reminders: President search, Engagement Survey, Town Halls

Good morning colleagues,

Here are some quick updates on this rainy October day.

Presidential Search Listening Sessions:

The Presidential Search Advisory Committee (PSAC) will hold listening sessions to gather input on the qualities and characteristics important in our next president. I am pleased to have strong representation from UMD on the committee and thank Jill Doerfler, professor and American Indian studies department head, Rudy Perrault, professor of music and director of orchestras, and student Remi Foust, sustainability director of the student government association and a resident advisor, for their time and energy serving on this consequential committee.

Please mark your calendars and attend as you are able.

Tuesday, October 24 in the Kirby Student Center Ballroom:

9:45 – 10:30 a.m.        Listening Session: Faculty and staff
10:45 – 11:30 a.m.      Listening Session: Students
12:30 – 1:15 p.m.        Listening Session: Open to all campus and community members

Input may also be submitted to the committee online or by emailing pres-search@umn.edu.

Engagement Survey:

By now you should have received an email from Korn Ferry with a link to the employee engagement survey. The survey will be open through Friday, November 3, 2023.

Please let your voice be heard by taking 10 minutes during your work day to complete the survey. It’s important that we hear from each of you because sharing your unique perspective helps us better understand the multitude of work that makes the University of Minnesota an outstanding institution.

The survey is confidential and is administered by Korn Ferry, an external vendor. The survey can be completed using the link provided in the email. If you don’t see an email from Korn Ferry, check out the troubleshooting information at z.umn.edu/survey_trouble_shooting

Additional information about the survey can be found online. If an employee cannot find the email or is unable to get the link to work, they can contact the Employee Engagement team within the Office of Human Resources at ee2@umn.edu.

UMD Town Halls:

Also, a quick reminder to mark your calendars for the town hall meetings in November, where my leadership team and I will provide updates around campus priorities and initiatives. Please join me as you are able:

Monday, November 13:

9:00 - 10:30 a.m.        Kirby Ballroom; in person town hall

1:00 - 2:30 p.m.          Virtual town hall; please sign up on this registration link.

Interim Chancellor McMillan Signature
Dave McMillan
Interim Chancellor