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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Last Week's Severe Winter Weather Event

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Last week's severe winter weather event dumped nearly 23" of wet, heavy snow and ice on the Twin Ports. Couple this much snow with gale force winds and we experienced a true blizzard. This event lasted for the better part of three entire days and, most critically, occurred in the middle of final exam week.

We want to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to UMD's students, staff, faculty and leadership teams for responding as you all did during this unprecedented confluence of severe weather and final examinations. We are proud of the people across every department that prioritized the safety and well-being of all our employees and students while planning for and executing the academic, student life and operational activities that must take place here on our campus.

Rescheduling hundreds upon hundreds of final exams and changing modalities impacted everyone. We applaud the patience and understanding along with the extraordinary efforts that you all exhibited during this challenging time.

Thank you for being Bulldogs!

Dave McMillan
Interim Chancellor

Sue Bosell
Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations

Lisa Erwin
Vice Chancellor for Student Life and Dean of Students

Amy Hietapelto
Interim Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs