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Friday, December 2, 2022

Requesting Your Input About the UMD Campus

What does the future of the UMD campus look like to you? How will UMD best adapt to changes in our climate and environment? We want to know what you think.

The Duluth campus is developing a Campus and Climate Action Plan, which will guide the evolution of the campus environment for the next thirty years. This plan will address natural resources, open space, land use, facilities, space planning, and future infrastructure. Climate action can be defined as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening resilience to climate change impacts.

Please follow this link to provide your input through the MyCampus interactive mapping tool. The survey will take about 5-10 minutes. Your responses will be kept confidential and only reported in aggregate.

After you submit your response, you can enter the prize raffle for one of ten $25 Visa gift cards.

This work is part of the systemwide MPact 2025 strategic plan. Visit the UMN systemwide campus and climate action plan website for more information. Your time and feedback are very much appreciated.

Thank you!

Lisa Erwin, Vice Chancellor for Student Life and Dean of Students
Sue Bosell, Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations 
John Rashid, Facilities Management Director